About Me

Rocky Kroesing

Licensed Massage Therapist

SelfCare is the #1 differentiator in the success of someones life.

About Me

Rocky Kroesing is a licensed Arizona Massage Therapist (#19237) who has been bringing innovation and creativity to her massage practice since graduating from the Cortiva Massage Institute (Tucson, Arizona) in 2013. Her passion for wellness has inspired her to accrue an electric mix of skills and certification training including: Reflexology, Cranial Sacral Therapy (level 1), Connective Tissue Release, Oncology Massage Therapy,  Aromatherapy/Aromatouch (essential oils), Hot/Cold Stones therapy, Cupping, Stretching Therapy and more.

Each massage is a unique experience as Rocky intuitively blends her skills to meet your individual requirements. You will receive therapeutic light/medium/firm/deep tissue massage with energy work. This is a client-therapist “Team” and you are encouraged to get involved with your self-care. With ongoing communication and feedback, Rocky can ensure that each  treatment will be an excellent, customized experience. Rocky thrives to be a helpful facilitator for each of her clients on their ongoing journey towards self-care and optimal health. YOU are your greatest healer and Rocky is here to assist with bodywork and to hold space for you.